First Presbyterian Church
Friday, February 14, 2025
to be make disciples.

FPC Day School is awesome!!





FPC Day School is a very special place! We have been loving and teaching children for over 50 years! As a part of First Presbyterian Church, we are a Christian based day school. Children are encouraged to know, talk about and absolutely sing about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope your child develops further their spiritual, social, academic, and physical graces with us. 

Please do not hesitate to call the Director, Phyllis Sellers, should you have any questions, 662-415-6291.       

Children are admitted to First Presbyterian Day School on a first come, first serve basis, with priority given to siblings of current students and to First Presbyterian Church members. A written application must be completed by a parent or guardian before a child can be enrolled or placed on the waiting list.  Immunizations required by Mississippi state law must be completed for all children and verified by a certificate of compliance from the Health Department or a private physician. 
To obtain an application please contact Phyllis Sellers at (662)415-6291.
Classes offered:
Classes are available year-round for children six months of age through three years (it is okay if they turn four during the school year).  Each age group meets or exceeds state pupil / teacher ratio and size requirements. Classes are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  
Nursery - $875 per semester or $175 per month for children 6 months - until they are placed in the 2 year old room.
Two & Three Year Old Classes - $750 per semester or $150 per month
Summer Session information will be sent out separately in the spring.
A $75 registration fee (non-refundable) is due at the time of enrollment and a supply fee of $75
(non-refundable) is due each semester.
How your child benefits from FPC Day School:
Lesson plans vary from class to class because of the unique talents and interests of the teachers and children in each class. (Please contact Phyllis for a lesson plan description for each class.) Life skills such as cooperation, manners, consideration, etc., are also emphasized in order to provide a healthy, happy atmosphere conducive to learning. 
During the year we have several fun events planned for the children that include, but are not limited to: class parties, field trips, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas program, Dr. Seuss Day, Valentine's Party, St. Jude Trike-a-Thon and Hibernation Day, just to name a few!  
Our Staff:
Phyllis Sellers - Director
Nursery I:   Teresa Robertson
                    Deborah Kiddy
Nursery II:  Kelly Hill
                    Sharon Henderson
Two's:          Hannah Puckett                              
                    Sherry Thrasher  
Three's:       Stephanie Briggs
                    Susanne Smith
Thank you for visiting! We look forward to seeing you soon!