First Presbyterian Church
Friday, February 14, 2025
to be make disciples.


*You will notice that some of our missionaries' names have been altered to protect them and the people whom they are working.  We do not publish contact information for our missionaries in sensitive areas or situations.
Benj*min & Mon*ca B.- Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Arabian Gulf
Benj*min, Mon*ca and their four children are in a closed country in the Arabian Gulf.  They teach English and do relational evangelism and house church planting. updated May, 2016
Keith & Paige Berger- Reformed University Fellowship, Southwest USA,
Keith, Paige and their family live in Fort Worth, Texas.  Keith is an area coordinator for RUF for the Southwest United States.  RUF is a Presbyterian college campus outreach. Keith and Paige have 4 children from 15 to 9 years old: Louise Anne - 15, Kate - 13, Anderson - 11, and Ward - 9.   Paige is the daughter of Joe and Cindy Vann. updated May, 2016
Chris & Debbie Gibson- Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Budapest, Hungary
Chris and Debbie do direct Missionary Care for the EPC's World Outreach. They served 12 years in Budapest, Hungary providing counseling, mental health services, pastoral care, coaching and spiritual direction. They are now caring for World Outreach workers from 3 strategic locations - Budapest, Hungary, Chiang Mai,Thailand and the USA. Their mission is to keep Missionaries Healthy, Effective and On the Field.  updated January, 2019
Jeff & Veronique Kim- Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, St. Paul Trois Chateaux, France,, Skype:
Jeff is a minister from our Central South Presbytery and is planting a church with the Luke 5 Organic Church team in St. Paul Trois Chateaux. The Kims are laboring to see new models of church multiplication developed in this area that will develop disciples of Jesus that multiply themselves. Jeff and his French wife, Véronique also teach at The Life School (a Christian school with a missional approach). Jeff is also a Life and Ministry Coach helping pastors, church-planters, and missionaries move forward in their callings and passions. They have 2 children, Victor and Anna. The Kims were our first EPC missionaries to support.  updated October, 2016
Ron & Beth Mills- Internationals Students, Inc., ISI Director, Denver, Colorado,
Ron and Beth worked with international students on the campus of Arizona State University for 18 years. Ron has served as director over 14 ISI staff in the Phoenix area. Ron and Beth have recently taken a step of faith to pull up roots and serve as ISI Director of the Denver area. Ron will be supervising 9 ISI staff and working with local churches to start international ministries at University of Colorado at Boulder, U of Mines at Golden and various universities and colleges in the area. Beth and Peggy Skattebo are sisters.  updated May, 2016
David & Laura Pratt Nelson- Victory Latin America, Roca Blanca Mission Base, Southwest Mexico, ,
Laura is a registered nurse running the base clinic at Roca Blanca Mission Base in Oaxaca, Mexico. She is from Corinth.  She has been running the base clinic, teaching health and hygiene at the Bible Institute located on the base, and taking medical and dental teams into the villages of Southwest Mexico for over 20 years. David is a long-term missionary to Mexico.  He is the director of the Roca Blanca Spanish Language School on the base.  updated January, 2019
Peggy Skattebo- Navigators, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 
Peggy Skattebo  serves with The Navigators in Colorado Springs.  She and her husband Jim served in the Philippines for 10 years.  For the past 6 years, Peggy has served with NavMissions, which is the international sending arm of The Navigators.  She directs a two year program for college graduates to go and serve long-term Navigator staff in countries around the world.  She has two married children, two getting married this summer, and one just finishing freshmen year of college. updated January, 2019
J*sse & Su* M.- Global Outreach, China
J*sse and Su* are from Iuka.  J*sse was a pastor.  After retirement, they have been called as life-long missionaries to China. They are currently in language study and relational evangelism and house church planting.  They have grown children.  updated January, 2019
K*n & W*ndy F.- EPC WO / English Language Institute China (ELIC), Beijing, China
K*n and W*ndy focus their time on reaching out to the future leaders of China. K*n is an University English Professor at one of the top schools in the country. They lead a team of 8 international workers and offer weekly English and culture programs. Their heart is to share His hope with students and colleagues. They have three children, Wesl*y (age 11), Calv*n (age 8) and Kels*y (age 4).  updated January, 2019
Shawn & Lisa S.- Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Missionary Recruiter, North Carolina
Shawn is a long-time youth pastor.  He was called to be a missionary recruiter for EPC's World Outreach.  He travels, recruits and does followup work with missionaries in the field with World Outreach.  Lisa is a nurse.  They have 3 grown children.  updated January, 2019
Dav*d & L*sa N.- Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach/MUP, Ch*na
Dav*d & L*sa have been working among the T*betan peoples of Ch*** for many years doing house church planting. While Dav*d is ordained in the EPC, he is also an engineer.  L*sa is a nurse and a doula.. Dav*d and L*sa use their skills to build relationships in communities while seeking opportunities to share the Gospel in both word and deed. They have five adult children who are all involved in missions. They have been raising a local T*betan girl since birth, but as yet have not been able to adopt her.  updated January, 2019
Larry Brown- African Bible College, Malawi,
Larry has been on staff as a professor at African Bible College in Malawi for 26 years.  He is a professor and director of outreach.  He is a widower.  He is raising his adopted son, Carey (16).  updated January, 2019
Nick & Amanda U.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Middle East
Nick and Amanda are from Memphis, TN and have 4 kids, Ellie (9), Hazel (8), and Gus (2), Everett (almost 1). They are both teachers, but are currently doing relational evangelism and discipleship among refugees and locals in the Middle East as part of the Engage 2025 Field Team. updated January, 2019
M*ke & T*mmy M.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Southeast Asia
M*ke and Tamm* are engaged in relational evangelism in a mostly Muslim country. Although they are currently focused on language and culture learning, they also spend time with the local residents to try to engage them in meaningful spiritual conversations and presentation of gospel truth. They live in a working-class neighborhood about 30 minutes from a major city, where about 95 percent of the residents are Muslims. They are the parents of three grown sons.  updated May, 2016
As*ph & L*nn D.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Central Asia
As*ph is an ordained Teaching Elder in the EPC.  He is the son of a Presbyterian pastor and comes from a family that accepted Christianity in Central Asia four generations ago.  He is discipling young men through sports clubs (cricket). His prayer is for a strong indigenous church that will be a light in a dark place.  L*nn has previously served as a medical missionary in Central Asia. That is where L*nn and As*ph met.   They have two daughters, Leah and Emma.  L*nn is homeschooling their daughters as well as consulting with several Christian hospitals in the area of public health outreach.  updated January, 2019
B. & N. H.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Central Asia
B*b is a family physician and physician educator.   N*ncy is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and lactation consultant. They have joined a team in Central Asia where B*b is developing a program to train family medicine residents and faculty and develop primary care in the public health system.   N*ncy is passionate about early childhood nutrition and development and will work to improve the health of children in the surrounding area. Most of the past year has been focused  on developing relationships and language learning. They have three grown children.  updated January, 2019
Nour & Reb*cca B.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Middle East
Nour and Rebecca are primarily involved in ministry to Syrian refugees living in the poor urban communities of Beirut. In addition to discipleship efforts and home visits, they assist in Arabic literacy projects, food and clothing distribution, and special Ramadan and medical outreaches.  Nour, a Syrian-American whose first language is Arabic, also leads worship at a local Lebanese church and is involved in Arabic Christian TV programming that’s broadcast across the Middle East.  Rebecca is the primary caregiver for Julia (3 year old), and Joseph (1 year old), homemaker, and in the midst of Arabic language studies while continuing a Master’s of Religion from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Islamic studies.  updated January, 2019
Ry*n & K*lly S.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach/WEC, International, Middle East
Ry*n and K*lly have been working in the hard places in the middle east for several years.  They do educational development and medical care for pregnant women.  Currently, their ministry focuses primarily on Syr. refugees.  They have 3 daughters, Ella (16), Sophia (14), and Juliana (12).  updated January, 2019
Casey & Sarah Prince-Ocean View, South Africa, , 
Casey and Sarah Prince are missionaries South of Cape Town, South Africa in an impoverished township called Ocean View.  Ocean View faces similar issues as the inner cities in the USA such as poverty, gangs, substance abuse, violence, neglect and hopelessness.  Their first ministry is to be a healthy and hospitable family among the baronesses around them and they daily host friends and children in their home to care for and encourage.  Casey started Ubuntu Football Academy which is a holistic soccer academy which aims to use Christian principles in an elite soccer context to develop the next great leaders in Africa.  Ubuntu has a residential home for some of the boys, scholarships them in school, and provides discipleship and mentoring, along with great coaching.  Sarah works in the community of Ocean View to mentor women, help run a care center for neglected children, and partners with local ministries to do community development.  They have two children, Kieren (9) and Keller (6). updated January, 2019
Philemon Project-Children's ministry, Beirut, Lebanon
The Philemon Project is a children's daycare ministry in Beirut, Lebanon focusing on meeting the childcare and early education needs of refugee families.  It is directed by and EPC Pastor Reverend Robert Hamd.  The children are taught English and early childhood education is Christian-based.  They are currently planning to expand through Beirut and Lebanon.  updated June, 2017
J*cqy K.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Middle East
J*cqy is currently learning Arabic in the Middle East and pending launch into our team in the Middle East primarily involved in ministry to Syrian refugees living in the poor urban communities.   updated January, 2019 
Gr*g and El*zabeth M.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Middle East
Gr*g and El*zabeth are launching into our team in the Middle East primarily involved in ministry to Syrian refugees living in poor urban communities. Expected date of departure is February, 2019.  updated January, 2019
St*phen & Bel*nda K.-Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Outreach, Spain
St*phen is a Muslim-background believer who has been evangelizing Muslims and mentoring Muslim-background believers to become pastors and evangelists in their home countries.  He started and continues to direct the European Training Center in Spain where MBBs come to be trained and encouraged.  He also does training and evangelism is many other countries.  He over 40 years of experience one of the most experienced leaders at World Outreach.  updated January, 2019
Ch*ck Tart*r-Gospel Friendships Outreach, Dublin, Ireland
Ch*ck is originally from Birmingham, AL.  He leads a ministry in Dublin for those with addictions and a church planting effort among Muslims.  He has been in Ireland for about 20 years reaching out to those in need with friendship and a love for Jesus.  He lives there with his wife and 3 children who are 19, 17 and 14 years old.  updated January, 2019
Ben Jackson-CCO, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
Ben is working with First Presbyterian Church in Starkville, Mississippi to evangelize and disciple students at Mississippi State University.  update January, 2019
T*m & D*bbie V.-EPC World Outreach and Pioneers, East Asia
Tim and Debbie have been long-term missionaries (30 years) in the far east.  They have recently gone through transition to another country because they were kicked out of their initial country.  They are teaching at a college and doing relational evangelism.  updated May, 2019
Jeffrey & Cathy Lancaster-EPC Rivers and Lakes Presbytery
Jeffrey and Cathy have been commissioned by Rivers and Lakes Presbytery of the EPC to plant 7 churchs in 20 years in the Chicago area.  They have been church planters with the PCA for many years and have planted churches in Oxford, MS, New Orleans, LA and Memphis, TN.  They have 3 grown children.
AMEN Food Pantry (662-287-6727) - a community food pantry that our congregation helped get started, and our members volunteer to work in the pantry.
Thanksgiving Meal - a ministry of the Deacons that provides Tha(nksgiving meals to the needy throughout the community.
Deacons' Fund - designed to meet the needs of our own church members and the poor of the community.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts - FPC sponsors a variety of scouting troops that include Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Daisy, Brownies, and Junior Girl Scouts.
The Community Farmers' Market is located on our Chambers lot facing Shiloh Road. This serves the community by allowing local farmers to bring their homegrown produce to sell.
Oasis Medical Center (662-287-8001 or 800-663-1639) is a pro-life ministry to women and men who are in a crisis pregnancy. Some of our women serve as counselors.
The Lighthouse Foundation  (662-286-0091) is a ministry for racial reconciliation that some of our men helped to establish. A weekly men’s prayer group meets at the Lighthouse and Unity Services sponsored by the Lighthouse helps us to cross denominational and racial barriers.  The yearly Youth Baked Goods Auction provides money to buy toys for the Lighthouse Toy store which provides toys to the needy children in the community.
Buddy Bags is an outreach for providing needy children with snacks on the weekends when they are not receiving subsidized food with the school lunch program.
French Camp is a Christian resident home for troubled children.
Palmer Home is a Christian orphanage in Mississippi.
Crosswind is an inner city ministry in Corinth attempting to change lives of the poor, troubled and homeless through introducing them to Jesus, loving them unconditionally, meeting their physical needs, and assisting them to become financially independent.
Living Free Ministries is a ministry in Corinth that provides a loving and understanding family environment for those with addictions.  They help with treatment for addiction and work toward leading the addicted to the true healer, Jesus Christ.