First Presbyterian Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
to be make disciples.

Adult Ministries

First Presbyterian has many opportunities for adults and families to be involved. 

Adult Sunday School
For more information about Adult Sunday School see the Sunday School Classes in the FPC links column of the Home page.
Music Ministry
First Presbyterian is blessed with a Sanctuary Choir that consists of about 20 members and always welcomes more voices.  The choir loft offers space to include many more.  Jan Pike leads the choir as the Choir Director.  This group is more than a choir – it is a small group who enjoy music, singing praises to God, and praying for the needs of others.  Because they have a love for music and God, they make quite a contribution to the worship service.  Choir practice is Wednesday nights at 7:15.
Another important part of the music ministry of First Presbyterian Church is the Jo Anderson Handbell Choir. Led by Paige Frame, this choir adds a different and beautiful level of music to the service when they play.  They participate in Sunday morning worship at various Sundays throughout the year and in the Maundy Thursday Service. Practice time is every Wednesday from 5:30-6:00 p.m. and they also welcome new members.
 Senior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adult Ministry is a vibrant part of FPC with many opportunities for fellowship, service, Bible study, and interesting outings.  FPC also seeks to serve this segment of our congregation  through providing assistance with transportation, visits, and homecare needs.  
  • Day Trips- First Presbyterian offers trips to theaters, concerts, national parks and many other places of interest for our group. We frequent the Orpheum Theater in Memphis and the Ford Center in Oxford providing cultural enrichment through christian fellowship. Cost for these trips varies based on venue. Sign ups can be done through the church office. More details are included in the JOY newsletter.   
  • JOY Riders Luncheon- On the second Thursday of each month we venture to a restaurant not too far away.  Join us JOY Riders on the bus!  Reservations may be made through the church office.
  • Valentine's Banquet- Annually, just prior to Valentine's for all!
  • Service Projects- Opportunities include office duties, reading to Dayschool classes, Amen Food Pantry, Friendship Class, VBS, Buddy Bags and Martha's Ministry.
  • JOY Riders Newsletter- Published monthly. If you would like to receive our newsletter please contact the church office.
  • Fitness Classes- (Currently on hold) Miss Ruby leads a stretching and toning class in the fellowship hall which is adaptable to all fitness levels. The class is held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-10:00 am. 

Martha's Ministry is an opportunity to serve others by cooking and delivering meals to members of the congregation and community who are sick, have a new baby, or have lost a loved one. Each month a small group meets in the church kitchen to prepare casseroles and desserts which are then stored in the Martha's Ministry freezer. There are Delivery Coordinators and a list of volunteers who make deliveries as the need arises. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact the church office at (662) 286-6638.

If you know someone who would benefit from Martha's Ministry, please call the church office and let them know the name of the person/family, their address, phone number and need. The church office will contact a Delivery Coordinator.